The fourth meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee was held on 3 December 2024 in Skopje. In addition to the members (or their deputies), the meeting was also attended as observers by representatives of the European Commission (DG Agriculture), the Management Structure, the IPARD Agency, the Audit Authority and the IPARD Management Authority. The Committee was chaired by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Daniela Irotova Lazareva.
In accordance with the agenda items for the fourth meeting, the representatives of DG Agriculture informed the attendees about the state of implementation of IPARD in the other countries, noting that the implementation of the IPARD programme in Macedonia is at an advanced level. In addition, the attendees were informed about:
- Appointment of new members and their deputies,
- Status of implementation of the IPARD Programme 2014-2020 and 2021-2027
- Functioning of the management and control system of all IPARD institutions,
- Analysis of the results of the public calls 01/2023 and 01/2024 and the planned new public calls from the 2021-2027 programme,
- Planned activities for accreditation of new measures,
- Undertaken communication and publicity activities for 2024 and the Action Plan for Communication and Publicity of the IPARD Programme 2021-2027 for 2025,
- Implementation of the IPARD evaluation plan and
- Implementation of the activities from APTA 2024 and APTA 2025
The IPARD Monitoring Committee was briefed on the Indicative Annual Procurement Action Plan (APTA) 2025 and will be submitted to all members for adoption, in writing.
As part of the ongoing responsibilities of the IPARD Monitoring Committee, at its fourth meeting, the Committee members adopted the minutes of the previous meeting, the annual publicity plan for 2025 and visited beneficiaries with implemented IPARD projects.
1. Draft Agenda 4MC Meeting IPARD III_final 3. Draft Minutes_3MC
6. AGRI presentation MK IPARD III MC meeting_03122024
7.a General information about programme measure implementation_MC IPARD III_4th
7.b.c.d. Information on the progress of the activities of IPARD Agency_MC IPARD III_4th
8. Information on functioning of the MCS_MC IPARD III_4th
9. Information on controls_IPARD Agency_MC IPARD III_4th
9. Information on controls_АA_MC IPARD III_4th
10.b. Action plan for communication and publicity for 2025_MC IPARD III_4th
11. Overview of the impl.of the Evaluation Plan for IPARD Programme 2014-2020 and 2021-2027_MC IPARD III_4th
12.b. APTA 2025_MC IPARD III_4th