On the basis of article 14 paragraph 2 (a) from the Law on ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Commission of the European Communities on the Rules for Cooperation concerning the EC Financial Assistance to the Republic of Macedonia and the implementation of the Assistance under component V (IPARD) from the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (Official Gazette of RM no.165/2008) and on the basis of Part V paragraph (5) from the Program for allocation of funds from the EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) for the period 2007-2013 (Official Gazette no.83/2009),
The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and the Rural Development
on 30 September, 2010 hereby announces
Call for applications No.01/2010
for submitting applications for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013
The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and the Rural Development (hereinafter as the Agency), the relevant authority and contractual body for implementing the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) calls all interested legal and natural persons to submit application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 for the following measures.
Measure 101 – Investments in agriculture holdings for their restructuring and upgrading to the Community standards
Measure 103 – Investments in processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products for their restructuring and upgrading to Community standards, and
Measure 302 – Diversification and development of the rural economic activities
1. The total Budget for implementing this Call for applications is 40.028.365, 00 EUR or 2.465.947.426,00 denars out of which:
o 75% of the funds are provided from the European Union and
o 25% of the funds are provided from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia
2. Financial assistance per individual application will be allocated as a non-refundable financial assistance (grant) at the amount of 50% from the value of the eligible expenditures i.e. 55% per application submitted by a holder of the agriculture holding not older than 40 years on the day of submitting the application for allocation of funds for measure 101.
3. The deadline for submitting the applications is 29.11.2010
4. Obtaining application forms and guidelines:
The necessary forms of the “Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013” as well as the “Guideline for the Beneficiaries of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013” which contain all information concerning the criteria, the projects eligibility criteria and the financing conditions and all other relevant information necessary for preparing the application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 Guideline for preparing a Business Plan, Guidelines for issuing the necessary documentation from the relevant institutions and other useful information in electronic form can be downloaded from the Agency’s web page: www.ipardpa.gov.mk
The printed forms of the Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 as well as the “Guideline for the Beneficiaries of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 can be obtained directly from the Agency, at the following address:
Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and the Rural Development
3a Skupi Street
1000 Skopje
and in the nearest regional centers or work units of the Agency for Development of the Agriculture, every working day from 08.30 until 16.30(The List of regional centers or work units of the for Agency for Development of the Agriculture with contact information is published on the Agency’s web page: www.ipardpa.gov.mk)
5. Method of applying:
The applicant should fill out and submit Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 for an individual measure, Business Plan produced according the Guideline for production of a Business Plan and supporting documentation as specified in the Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013. More detail information for the specific eligibility requirements are defined in the Guideline for Beneficiaries of funds under the IPARD Program 2007-2013.
The application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-2013 and the Business Plan must be in Macedonian language.
The filled out application for allocation of funds under the IPARD Program 2007-2013 along with the Business Plan and overall necessary documentation are to be submitted in a closed envelope. The envelope, on the front side in the upper left corner must have reference stating “DO NOT OPEN”, for Call for applications IPARD No 01/2010 and the applicant must specify the code of the measure for which the application is submitted. The application can be submitted via the post office by registered mail or personally to the Writing office of the Agency.
Note: The application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2007-213, the Business Plan with the supporting documentation SHALL NOT BE RETURNED. Due to performing on the spot control by the Agency, the applicant is required to have copies from the complete documentation submitted to the Agency. More detail information can be obtained on the contact telephone (02)3097-460 or at the Agency’s e-mail address:ipardpa.info@ipardpa.gov.mk and the Agency’s web page: www.ipardpa.gov.mk