TAIEX Workshop on “Development and promotion of the local initiatives – the LEADER approach”

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TAIEX Workshop on “Development and promotion of the local initiatives – the LEADER approach”

Notification for TAIEX Workshop on “Development and promotion of the local initiatives – the LEADER approach”

On the 17.12.2010 in Hotel Arka, in Skopje – Workshop on “Development and promotion of the local initiatives – the LEADER approach”  will be held. The workshop is organized by the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) of the European Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of the Republic of Macedonia.

The aim of the workshop is to provide -provide the participants with knowledge and training necessary for building the institutional capacity of the Managing Authority and the IPARD Agency related to the implementation of LEADER measures; to raise the awareness of the involved institutions and local experts with regards to LEADER measures; and to inform the representatives of national and local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGO’s), development agencies and other interested parties about the objectives and requirements of LEADER measures. For the purpose of the workshop, over 80 representatives of national and local authorities, NGO’s, development agencies and other interested parties are invited to attend.
To exchange the experience of Member States invited are experts from France, Greece and Latvia. Representative of the European Commission – Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG-AGRI) will present the EC Guidelines for programming LEADER measure for candidate countries.
In the final part of the workshop, representatives from the IPARD Managing Authority up to date programming activities for introducing the LEADER measure under the IPARD Programme as well as the legal provisions for implementation of LEADER under the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development (OG 49/2010).
The presentations and informative documents related to this event can be downloaded at the http://taiex.ec.europa.eu/ and www.ipard.gov.mk after the finalisation of the event. For more information related to the organization and conducting of this event you can contact the contact person (as in the Agenda) or on the following e-mail: info@ipard.gov.mk

2014-09-30T19:58:35+00:0030 September 2014|General|