2nd meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee

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2nd meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee

The 2nd meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee was held on 21st of December 2023, in Skopje. At the meeting, in addition to the regular representatives (members or their deputies), representatives of the European Commission (DG AGRI), Management Structure, IPARD Agency, Audit Authority and the IPARD Managing Authority participated as observers. The Committee was chaired by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy.

At the 2nd meeting, the Committee members were informed on status of implementation of IPARD II and IPARD III Programmes, functioning of the system for management and control of all IPARD institutions, implementation of the IPARD evaluation plan and implementation of activities in the action plan on procurement for 2023 (APTA 2023).

At the 2nd meeting, the Committee members adopted the minutes from the previous meeting of the Committee, the annual plan on publicity for 2024, the action plan on procurement for 2024 (APTA 2024).

1. Draft Agenda_MC IPARD III_2nd
2. Adoption of the minutes of previous meeting_MC IPARD III_2nd
5.a General information about programme measure implementation_MC IPARD III_2nd
5.b Report of approved rejected paid IPARD II projects_MC IPARD III_2nd
5.c.d. Status of implementation of IPARD III and forecast of activities and calls in 2024_MC IPARD III_2nd
6. Information on the functioning of the MCS_MC IPARD III_2nd
7. Information on controls_MC IPARD III_2nd
8.a.Report on the activities for communication and publicity of IPARD Programme 2021-2027
8.б. Action plan for communication and publicity planed activities for 2024_MC IPARD III_2nd
9.Overwiev of the implementation of the Evaluation plan_MC IPARD III_2nd
10.b. Approval of APTA 2024_MC IPARD III_2nd

Minutes od the 2MC_IPARD 2021-2024

2024-07-03T17:08:40+00:001 February 2024|Announcement , Monitoring Commitee IPARD 2021-2027|