3rd meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee

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3rd meeting of the IPARD III Monitoring Committee

The third meeting of the IPARD III Programme Monitoring Committee of was held on May 16, 2024 in Skopje. In addition to the members (or their deputies), representatives from the European Commission (DG AGRI), the Management Structure, the IPARD Agency, the Audit Authority and the IPARD Managing Authority attended the meeting as observers. The committee was chaired by the Chairman of the IPARD Monitoring Committee.

According to the items on the agenda for the third meeting, the representatives of the DG AGRI informed the attendees about the situation with the implementation of IPARD in the other countries that implement it. In addition, the attendees were also informed about:

  • the state of implementation of the IPARD II Programme and the first public call from the IPARD III Programme,
  • the second modification of the IPARD III Programme (adopted by written procedure),
  • the functioning of the management and control system of all IPARD institutions,
  • the implementation of the IPARD evaluation plan,
  • the implementation of the activities in the procurement action plan for 2024 (APTA 2024),
  • the undertaken activities for communication and publicity of IPARD.

As part of the ongoing obligations of the IPARD Monitoring Committee, at the third meeting, the members of the IPARD Monitoring Committee adopted the minutes of the previous meeting and visited beneficiaries with realized IPARD projects.

3. Draft_Agenda_3MC_MC IPARD III_3rd

4. Minutes 2MC_MC IPARD III_3rd

8.a Basic info on implentation of IPARD measures_MC IPARD III_3rd

8.b Information on the progress of the activities of IPARD Agency regarding IPARD_MC IPARD III_3rd

10. Information on the functioning of the system for MC_IPARD II_MC IPARD III_3rd.

10. Information on the functioning of the system for MC_IPARD III_MC IPARD III_3rd

11.c Annual audit report information_MC IPARD III_3rd

14.a Review and update of evaluation activities_MC IPARD III_3rd


2024-12-24T14:01:19+00:003 July 2024|Announcement , Monitoring Commitee IPARD 2021-2027|