New European Perspective of the Macedonian Food Processing Industry
The first workshop on the topic "Using the funds from [...]
The first workshop on the topic "Using the funds from [...]
(Open until: 09/02/2019) Pursuant to Article 9 paragraph 1 item [...]
1. Draft agenda 4th MC IPARD 2014-2020 2. Draft minutes [...]
(Open until: 09/02/2019) On the basis of Article 9, Paragrapph [...]
1. Draft аgenda III MC IPARD 2014-2020 2. Draft мinutes [...]
1. Draft agenda for the 2nd MC IPARD 2014-2020 2. [...]
The Agancy for Financial Support of the Agriculture and the [...]
1. Draft agenda for the 1st MC IPARD 2014-2020 2.RoP [...]
Notification for TAIEX Workshop on “Development and promotion of the local [...]
7th IPARD MONITORING COMMITTEE MEETING, on the 16 December 2010, in [...]