Workshops with the units of local self-government for using the IPARD measure “Investments in rural public infrastructure”

Home » Workshops with the units of local self-government for using the IPARD measure “Investments in rural public infrastructure”

Workshops with the units of local self-government for using the IPARD measure “Investments in rural public infrastructure”


In the first quarter of 2018, and in accordance with the dynamics of planned activities for accreditation of the measure “Investments in rural public infrastructure” in order to have proper preparation of the local self-government administration for the utilization of the measure, the IPARD Managing Authority in cooperation with the Centers for Development of the eight planning regions in the Republic of Macedonia held meetings with the municipal administration from all municipalities that are potential beneficiaries of the IPARD funds allocated for the measure “Rural Public Infrastructure”. Below is the schedule of the meetings held.



Planning Region

                       Date                                  Place / Municipality
1. Northeast planning region 16.03.2018 Kumanovo
2. Vardar Planning Region 20.03.2018 Veles
3. South-East planning region 21.03.2018 Strumica
4. Skopje Planning Region 23.03.2018 Skopje
5. South-west planning region 28.03.2018 Struga
6. East planning region 30.03.2018 Shtip
7. Pelagonia planning region 04.04.2018 Bitola
8. Polog planning region   Dzepciste



These meetings, besides the basic exchange of information regarding the possibilities offered by the measure, were aimed at determining the needs of the units of local self-government, their priorities as well as determining the municipal capacities for the implementation of the measure. Several of the mayors of the municipalities who gave their views and comments on the possibilities for using IPARD funds were also present at the meetings.Ipard_Info_2 (2)

2018-11-13T09:45:15+00:003 April 2018|Некатегоризирано|