In conditions of a global pandemic with Covid-19, on November 26, 2020, the seventh meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the IPARD 2014 – 2020 Program was held. Due to the large number of members of the Committee, and in order to comply with the protocols of the new situation with the pandemic, the meeting was held, smoothly, through the electronic communication network. The work of the Seventh IPARD Monitoring Committee was attended by the majority of its members, representatives of DG Agri at the European Commission (Liam Bresling, Zigo Rutkovski and Marius Lazdinis), the Delegation of the European Commission in Skopje and most of the Committee’s observers. The State Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Mr. Rexhail Ismaili, chaired the meeting.
The responsible persons from the IPARD Managing Authority, NIPAK, IPARD Agency and NAO informed about the progress of the IPARD Programme between the two Committees for monitoring of IPARD II. All members and participants in the meeting had the opportunity to actively participate in the discussion and ask questions. In the information on the activities and progress in the implementation of the IPARD Programme, it was emphasized that all funds provided in advance for this year have already been paid and without the possibility of repayment. The need to strengthen the human resources capacities of the entire IPARD structure in the country, especially in the IPARD Agency, was discussed, as well as the possibilities for introduction of software solutions in order to accelerate the implementation and efficient use of funds. In that regard, it informed that the preparation of software for electronic application (with the support of the European Commission) and processing of applications submitted to the IPARD Agency is underway.
The IPARD Programme 2014-2020 is in the final phase of implementation and is expected to announce another public call that will refer to measure 7, whereby the remaining funds will be reallocated from the other measures in measure 7 Farm diversification and business development.
Information on the preparation and time-frame of the IPARD III Programme Period 2021-2027 also presented at the meeting, where the adoption of the Programme by the European Commission in November 2021 is planned. With the adoption of the new program document, maintaining the existing ones and introducing new measures, the support for the development of the rural areas will continue by using higher funds from the IPA funds for rural development.
For better and transparent information, we enclose the materials presented and discussed during the meeting.
1. Draft Agenda_MC IPARD II_7th
2. Draft_minutes 6MC_MC IPARD II_7th
3. Information on decisions and conclusions_MC IPARD II_7th
6.3 NAO Report_MC IPARD II_7th
7.1 Information on possible Third Modification of IPARD Programme 2014-2020_MC IPARD II_7th
8.1 Information on the progress of APTA 2020 implementation_MC IPARD II_7th
8.2 Adoption of APTA 2020 second modification_MC IPARD II_7th
8.4 Progress report Comunication & Publicity_MC IPARD II_7th
8.5 Communication and Publicity Plan for 2021_MC IPARD II_7th
9.1 Information on Ex post evaluation of the IPARD Programme 2007-2013_MC IPARD II_7th
9.2 Information on ongoing evaluation of IPARD Programme 2014-2020_MC IPARD II_7th